Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Signs You Have Studied Theology Too Long, #1

In the shower, you grab the shampoo bottle and read "Luther. Rinse. Repeat."
(What DOES shampooing by grace through faith mean? is conditioner sanctification?)

5 the midrash:

Kiwi Nomad 2008 said...

It might also just be that you are getting older and your eyesight is getting blurrier when you read ;-) (From one who unfortunately knows this..)

Maureen said...

Or when you look for a new television and say "I like the RCIA model best". (Not that I would know from personal experience...)

Allen's Brain said...

OR,you've been washing in the baptismal font again.

A hint that your original experience didn't take?

The Ironic Catholic said...

shampooing by faith, not works

CMinor said...

Maybe it was a lettering problem (or a bubble distorting the a.) After a year or two of use, my Dust Buster became a Lust Buster as the lettering wore off. It's now just an ust Buster.