Friday, May 07, 2010

Friday QOTD

To the man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

--Mark Twain

6 the midrash:

Fr. Andrew said...

:To the professor with a red pen, everything looks like a mistake.

Shark Bait said...

To the new Christian with a bible, everyone looks like a heathen.

The Ironic Catholic said...

har har.

Sing it!
if I had a hammer, and a red pen and a Bible...
I'd hammer out of danger!
I'd proofread out of justice!

(oy. must get to mass)

Patrick said...

And to the nail, everything looks like a hammer.

Reminds me of Ecclesiastes... each has its place and purpose.

Athanasius contra mundum said...

To the Christian who just received Eucharist, everything looks like grace

Panda Rosa said...

A man? I always thought this best referred to a kid, and show me the mother who would disagree :)