Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I.C. hit by a garbage truck, ponders symbolism

I.C., soon after launching this site, was hit by a garbage truck (think the one at left, but bigger) while crossing the street. Also banged up and bruised; there appear to be no lasting injuries. And no, it was not I.C.'s fault; the driver of said truck got a ticket and I.C. got a visit to the local ER.

Also, while 99% of the information on this satire news blog is not true, this particular item is. One can only surmise that there must be a link between the accident, Lent, and this site. Running theories:

  1. As a Lenten penance, I.C. decided to embrace personal injury rather than backwhips and other ascetic practices.
  2. Being hit by a truck is a precipatory act of solidarity with the pain this website will cause readers.
  3. Once you begin to laugh at Catholic culture, all kinds of garbage runs you down.
  4. Crossing the street is analogous to blogging as building a bridge is to drowning. (Yeah, I wasn't an old SAT whiz either.)
  5. Life is like crossing a street...you never knew when a mack truck will bang you in the side.
  6. You know that phrase "I feel like I've been hit by a mack truck?" Well, you don't. I do. It hurts. Offering up the pain for Lent. Nuff said.
  7. Trucks are evil. Not a sophisticated insight but rather appealing at the moment.
  8. God doesn't want me to do this blog. Sent a truck to "nudge" me in that direction.
  9. Satan doesn't want me to do this blog. Sent a truck to "nudge" me in that direction.
  10. The Garbage company doesn't want me to do this blog. Nah, now we're getting farfetched.

In all seriousness, I am very grateful to God that I am not badly hurt. The laughter begins...ouch...in a few minutes!



Ray from MN said...

You beat me by two days, old lady blogger.

How come you're celebrating early? You're stealing all my glory!

I suspect you and I will be the only ones who ever read this comment.

The Ironic Catholic said...

I'm celebrating early because it's a busy week--not sure I'd get it in anyway. Happy blogoversary to you too!

Helen said...

Ray, I read it too!
IC, Congrats again!