Dear Communion of Saints: the book

Socrates had a tip jar.  St. Therese de Lisieux wrote only under obedience.  Kierkegaard inherited money from his dad to engage in the writing life.

And then...there are the rest of us.  After poking my pinky toe into publishing and being told this is the worst time to publish since Luther's 95 theses made it around Germany, I took the DIY plunge and decided to offer the one, the only...

Dear Communion of Saints
amusingly apt advice for foolish Christians

If you remember the "Dear Communion of Saints" series from the earlier days of this blog, some of those are indeed in there (and now off the blog, except for two samples!  I'm so mean...).  Some were revised for the better, and some material is brand new.  If you want to contribute to my solvency and the spit shine your sense of humility (because we're all the foolish Christians in that title!), you can ...
  • buy the "real purty" print version at Lulu and Amazon).  At Lulu...the book is 30% off! 
  • buy what I like to call the "unplugged" words-only version for a variety of e-readers (including the IPad, Kindle, Nook, Sony E-Reader, IPhone, and your computer) via Smashwords, and other online retailers.  (Amazon soon!)  I think it looks best in Epub, FYI.  A mere $1.99.
You want to help?  Spread the word--and please buy it and then review it on either site!

You can also "like" the book on facebook--where you can submit your own questions for the saints--and follow The Ironic Catholic through twitter.

Writing these pieces is fun for me, and I hope a great teaching platform.  In the end, I want people to smile and chuckle, but I'd rather they get inspired and allow God to make them saints.  So what are you waiting for?  Go at it!

In God's peace,
The Ironic Catholic


By the way, can I sing the praises of Smashwords here?
DCOS comes to you largely through their great enabling work.  If you are interested in e-publication, I definitely recommend them:
