Friday, September 17, 2010

A PG rated Evangelization FAIL

From the delightful Southern Fried Catholicism, which was just as horrified as you are right now.

5 the midrash:

Debbie said...

FTW would have been so much more appropriate!

Andrea said...


Kiwi Nomad 2008 said...

omg that must be one of the funniest innocent mistakes I have ever seen in my life....

Laura said...

I looked.
I stared.
I wondered.
What's the problem?
I don't get it.
Why is the a big deal.
Oh no.
Oh dear.

CMinor said...

Oops. I guess the banner makers are still stuck in the '70's and a little behind on their net lingo.

One of the local churches put up a professional-looking banner when B16 became pope. They had the clever idea to have it read "long live the pope" in Italian, but they got the gender pronoun wrong. So it read "Viva la Papa," or "Long Live the Potato."