Monday, November 01, 2010

For all the Ironic Saints: Catching Up

1. We raised $6750 for Anthony at Reece's Rainbow (no, it's not showing up yet). Thanks to all who contributed and helped show that Catholics and Christians in general care for some of the most vulnerable of our world, especially during the month we devote to Respect for all life. (Anyone wants to make it an even $7000?) If you could continue to pray for Anthony's future parents to step forward that would be great.

2. Happy All Saints Day! To help you get over the fact that it is not a holy day of obligation this year (at least in my diocese), there is a BIG WHOPPING SPECIAL on the Dear Communion of Saints: amusingly apt advice for foolish Christians. At Smashwords, the ebook is a mere 99 cents today if you use this coupon code: KC99G. And Lulu has it 30% off in print--but both deals are good only today and tomorrow!

3. I finished my book proposal (on a serious book), and the sabbatical grant proposal is in to the agency as of the end of last week.

4. Speaking of books, friend of the IC, Korrektiv, is apparently starting up a new press. "Bad Catholics blogging at the end of the world"--they are the other ironic guys in the Catholic blogosphere, only more tangy, tortured, and talented. Evidence #1: their first book of poetry, Jonathan Potter's House of Words. Looking forward to reading it. Go buy it, be a trendsetter in Catholic literary reading this year....

4. Yes, I'm exhausted.

5. Back with more humor this week! Thank goodness!

0 the midrash: