Thursday, October 20, 2011

Last Day of Alex's Big Bleg (and you may win a lovely rosary)!

(Alex at three!)

People have been so generous to us and (much more importantly) to Alex. If you haven't looked at this blog in a week, we're in the midst of our big bleg drive for pre-travel funds to help us in our adoption of 5 yr old Alex, who has cerebral palsy and is living in an institution in Eastern Europe. There is one more day to participate in this drive by contributing at this chip in widget (which goes to our PayPal account):

And someone on Saturday will win a $30 credit at my sister-in-law Becky's Etsy shop, Roses for Mary. One of her many lovely rosaries is seen at right. It's a Respect Life rosary (October is Respect Life month, you know!).... And if you're not a rosary person and you win, we'd be happy to give you a $30 Amazon Giftcard instead.

Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone!

1 the midrash:

Becky said...


I just wanted you guys to know that while strangers have been generous enough to give and WE have not (I'm talking mostly about me and Dennis, haha), we plan to contribute to give something so that little Alex can come home! I'm waiting until Wednesday until we get paid, so just know that there is something coming from us too!

BTW, thanks for sponsoring my rosaries!