Tuesday, November 15, 2011

More Things Catholics Don't Like To Admit

You're a little jealous of the Calvinist reformers, because you don't get to say "Zwingli" on a regular basis.

Zwingli! Zwingli! Zwingli!


(OK, since that wasn't a LOL post, I encourage you all to check out the collected Catholic humor and occasional art and thoughtfulness across the web--The Amused Catholic Ezine.) You can even suggest humorous sites and posts on the site, at the suggest button, because I can't spend all day reading. Enjoy!)

2 the midrash:

Panda Rosa said...

Just what, if anything, does "Zwingli" mean, anyway?

Maureen said...

You can say Zwingli as much as you want if you're a historian of early modern Europe, focusing on the Reformations and other religious stuff!