Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's not a face palm, it's a ...

HT to Michael Riecken.

(Miss you all. Very busy.)


ArchAngel's Advocate said...

Better a face palm than a face plant

Biteofpunkinpie said...

While I enjoy the pun, I've been seeing Memes pop up all over the place with this picture and it kind of irritates me. The photo is of a statue called "And Jesus Wept" and it is at a memorial at St. Joseph Old Cathedral in Oklahoma City, directly across the street from the Murrah Building Bombing Memorial. Obviously you can't tell from the picture, but the statue of Jesus has his back turned to the site of the bombing and is surrounded by a wall containing small openings, one for each of the victims. It is the Archdiocese's response to the horrible tragedy that took place here 17 years ago.

CatholicLeoMetalman said...

People will make something up about anything that they can without getting the fullness of what is going on to make people only see what the person wants them to see. We have a blog for all to check out. It is about our Ministry and all we are doing in the Ministry. The blog is and hope that you can check it out even though we have nothing funny on it other than typos and stuff like that.