Sunday, May 20, 2012

Last Giveaway Update (except for the winners! and a new adopting family in the mix!)

You all, words cannot express how grateful I am for your generosity to Vera's family and ultimately to little Harper.  Their adoption grant fund stands at 16,147 as of Sunday night.   Vera had calculated that the mid-range of being fully funded would be around 16,200 (although fluctuating plane tickets are the variable here).  We started this giveaway a few days ago with hope, generous donations, and an initial grant of $1200.  Let's do the math--that means you all have raised $14,800 for Harper to get both a family and the medical treatment she needs.  Just. unbelieveably. amazing.  God is GOOD!  Thank you for being his hands and feet.

The giveaway with all the fun donated items continues through to May 25th.  You can donate to Vera's family grant fund (tax-deductible) and give them a bit of a buffer.  Her family also benefits from sales of the Pray-Advocate-Adopt necklace (or three other styles) at JoyBelle Jewelry the next four weeks, until June 16.  If you prefer to spread the love and help out another family in need, the Jenks family is also needing funds asap: they are planning to adopt Sydney and Lucien, two infants with Down Syndrome, and they are expecting to get a travel date any day--which means they will travel in 2-4 weeks.  They have a substantial grant, but they are also adopting two--and that just costs more.  If you donate to their Reeces Rainbow FSP, that counts as an entry in the giveaway!  See the main giveaway page.

My giveaway partner Jennifer Doloski will be drawing names through sometime soon after the 25th.  Please give her some time to pull it together (I will be away!  see next post!), but she will post the list of winners here on the blog.

Again--Vera, Jennifer and I have been so deeply moved by people's response to this need.  May your generosity be rewarded in this life and the next!  Thank you!

1 comment:

VCoops said...

I've been trying to find a the right way to say this for days now. I wanted to say something amazingly profound. Every time I start to type, I just can't seem to come up with a way to properly thank and acknowledge each and every person that was a part of this effort to save Harper. I'll just have to say this in the only way I know how. For every person that donated a gift, for every contribution, for every prayer... my family thanks you. Someday, when Harper is old enough to understand what this all means, what you all have done for her, the gift she's been given... she'll thank you too, in her own words, in her own way. Susan, thank you especially for your kind heart, for all the work you put into organizing this event, your encouragement, and the invaluable amount of hope you've brought to Harper.

Thank you, all of you, so very, very much.