Monday, August 14, 2006

Ironic Catholic: The (Indirect) Papal Seal of Approval!

(Photo source.)

Open Book* recounts at some length an interview with Pope Benedict that aired this past weekend, including this...

Fuchs: Stories with humor in them too? In 1989 in Munich you were given the Karl Valentin Award. What role does humor play in the life of a pope?

I'm not a man who constantly thinks up jokes. But I think it's very important to be able to see the funny side of life and its joyful dimension and not to take everything too tragically. I'd also say it's necessary for my ministry. A writer once said that angels can fly because they don't take themselves too seriously. Maybe we could also fly a bit if we didn't think we were so important.

I feel so ... affirmed! I'm not a slacker ironic muse, I'm an angel! Thanks, Holy Father!

*And thanks to Ray at Stella Borealis for emailing me with the news!

2 the midrash:

Bookishmuch said...

I know this is an old post, but I'm new! And I totally agree, the Holy Father must have a sense of humor, of he'd excommunicate all those who make fun of his accent. Which, from what I heard on TV when he was in NY, was pretty funny. "Bruzzers und sisters...." ^_^

Del said...

this is a very old post....

But I'm so happy to stumble upon Pope B. quoting GK Chesterton! Thanks, IC!